Summertime brings with it lots of fun and excitement. From carnivals, parades, swimming pools and parks to movies, games and outings with family. Something else summer brings is kids out on the corner selling everything from “Kool-aid” to “Otter pops” trying to make some extra money.
Well, I’m not selling lemonade, but I do have some things I would like to sell. So, instead of finding a boutique and trying to get rid of things all in one day, I thought I would try posting some on this blog and try to generate some income to go play with my kids this summer.
If you see something you like, please just leave a comment with your contact info, or e-mail me and we will work out the details.
If you see something you think someone else would like, please send them my way!
So, now that explanations are out of the way, here’s the first item for sale: