blogging momday real life

Will blog for Thank-yous {a Mom-day post}

I will be the first to admit that blogging, for me, is largely a selfish, personal thing I do.  It’s for my sanity, my ego, my inner need to create something that stays done.  But once in a while, I get to share the fun with my family.  This past weekend I had the opportunity to take my children up to see the Kennecott Bingham Canyon mine.  The largest open-pit mining operation in the world.  It was so fun to see and learn so much about this amazing place.  And it was really interesting to me that my husband’s grandmother actually grew up in that canyon, in a mining town that no longer exists as it was swallowed up by the mine.  My 8 year old said “This is really interesting, and by interesting, I mean fascinating.”  He’s a keeper that cute kid of mine. 🙂
It was fun to share with them this fun chance to do something that even growing up in that very area, I have never done.
And while I have had the opportunity to share a few experiences like this with my family, as I said before, at this stage in my blogging life- it is still largely for myself that I do it.  I don’t have tons of sponsors, or get lots of free stuff to create with (I’m working on that one. 😉 ), or really even generate much income or traffic with what I do.  So when it comes down to it, and all the work blogging requires, there are days when I wonder if it really matters.  Will anyone miss it if I don’t post this project, respond to this comment, link to this party? 
And then, every once in a while, I get an e-mail or a comment saying that they really appreciate what I do.  That I have inspired someone to try something, or finish a project, or that they understand how I feel in one of my Mom-day posts.  And those thank yous mean more to me than any amount of money, any opportunity, any swag bag.  And suddenly I feel like it really does matter.  That my voice, my opinion, my idea- has purpose and weight in this world.  And that even if my reach is small, and doesn’t go much further than my children and my family- it matters, I matter.  And I am inspired all over again to keep going with my blog.  To let my creativity have it’s place in my life, to let my blog have it’s place in my life. 
And I realize that if a Thank you means so much to me, perhaps it means the same to other people as well?  So I am trying to be better at saying thank you to those who inspire me, and lift me up and encourage me.

To you, my wonderful blog readers, my Friends (for truly you are my friends)- Thank You!  I so appreciate the time you take to stop by and read, to comment, to participate in My life.  You bless me in ways I cannot fully express.  You matter to ME- more than you know.  Thank You for being you.

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  • Debra
    April 30, 2012 at 3:53 am

    I completely feel the same way! For what it is worth, I love your blog and all you do. I think it is pretty amazing!

  • Ty and Whitty
    April 30, 2012 at 5:16 am

    LOVE this post! You are so sweet and I feel so lucky to have met you 🙂


  • Troy and Rach
    April 30, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    Again, I can't thank you enough for all the thought and effort you put into your projects and blogs. I would truly miss it! Glad to be counted as a 'friend'.


  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2012 at 8:49 pm


  • Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
    May 1, 2012 at 12:34 am

    Thank you for inspiring me, and lifting me up and encouraging me 🙂

  • chris
    May 1, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Precisely why I love you and blogging, and the wonderful support I receive. 🙂

    p.s. My great-grandfather was one of the engineers out at Bingham, and became an expert at open-pit mining.

  • Michele Pacey
    May 1, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    Those same thought processes run through my mind all the time: is it worth all this time I spend, would anyone really care if I stopped?… And I'm not sure what the real, honest answers are.

    I do know this. Your mom day posts are beautiful. Full stop. I wish I had your ability to put thoughts into words so eloquently. You have a rare writing talent (in my opinion) that must be shared. So keep sharing and I'll keep reading.

  • Lorene (just Lu)
    May 3, 2012 at 7:01 pm

    Amy, I love you! I love all of your projects and your Momday post and just everything. You may not be a "big" blogger, but you are perfectly REAL, and the blogging world needs a little more true reality and less perfectly-photographed wish-it-was-reality… Plus, you are the pillow queen. 🙂

  • Mommo
    May 4, 2012 at 2:15 am

    I am a reader but sadly not much of a commenter. I couldn't let this post go by though without letting you know that your blog is wonderful. I enjoying reading you posts and seeing your creativity in your projects. Thanks to YOU!

  • Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
    May 5, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Hi Cute Amy, I enjoy you & your blog, so I'm sure glad you do it! Keep up the good work.

    Warmly, Michelle
    PS – I enjoyed seeing you at SNAP!

  • Jill
    May 15, 2012 at 10:37 am

    I just discovered your blog. As I scrolled down I came to the picture of you all standing by the huge tire and thought, I know that tire! I grew up in Copperton and my father was born in Bingham Canyon. I haven't been to the new visitors center but hope that changes soon. I'll be a reader of your blog now. Thanks for featuring the mine.