I don’t really read the news anymore. I don’t watch it either. Ever since we cancelled satellite t.v., I just sort of checked out of the current event scene. I don’t…
Ahh, summer. How I love you. And hate you. All at the same time. I have been very quiet on the internet of late. Not that I haven’t been wasting…
You may have seen this embroidery project I posted last week. I just love all the colors and how happy it makes me. But, it does more than just add color…
Hi! I’m Amy and I’m a recovering enabler, nagger and yeller. I’ve been in recovery for about a week. I’m definitely a work in progress, and I still have a long…
I’m not even sure I’m going to give them 2 weeks notice. Before you start panicking that I’m leaving my family, let me reassure you that I have no intention of…
I love the new year. The possibilities, the growth it will hold. I can’t help but view it as Anne of Green Gables when she said, “Tomorrow is a new day,…
Dear Harried Mom of small children- I get it. I’m right there with you. You feel judged, picked on, dirty and smelly (baby barf anyone?). You wonder how you will get…
I promised a shot of my living room. This is taken from upstairs looking down. It got much, much worse. š Last week, after weeks of boutique prep, I had the…
It’s exhausting I tell you, being this cute. And delightful, all at the same time. I have been mulling over This post, and agree heartily with everything she said. But, then…
Clay ornament I was asked to make for my friend. It’s her husband in his Boy Scout gear. The new year feels like a good time to shake off old habits,…