My favorite food? Mexican hands down. This is the dinner we had at a blogger retreat I went to a couple weeks ago. It was provided by Cafe Rio- a VERY yummy restaurant. (although if you don’t like cilantro, like my sister, you won’t like it at all. 🙂 ) I love black beans and they have the most delicious cilantro ranch dressing. Yum.
Favorite music? Country. My favorite song right now is probably Toby Keith’s Red Solo Cup. It just makes me laugh every time I hear it, and my kids sing along to it which is hysterical. Favorite artist wise though, I’d have to say it’s a toss up, but I LOVE me a strong female voice- so Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Taylor Swift, Trisha Yearwood and Wynonna are some of my very favorites.
Favorite Junk Food? I’m realizing how deep my love for Swedish Fish runs. I have a bag of mini Cadbury eggs left over from Easter, but the first thing I go for is the fish. That’s love right there folks! I prefer the multi-flavored ones over the plain red ones, but I’ll eat whatever is on hand. Along with swedish fish, I have a great love of Diet Coke. Right now, in my maternal state, I can only drink the caffeine free variety because the fully loaded version makes me ill, but Diet Coke is Diet Coke and hard as I try, I just can’t quit the stuff. (Not that I ever try very hard 😉 )
Favorite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I love her wit, her sarcasm, her descriptive style of writing. All of it. And the movie with Kiera Knightly- spot on favorite! You can be my Mr. Darcy anytime!! 🙂
Favorite thing to do outside of crafting? (when I told Gwen I was thinking about adding this to my favorites- she said “you mean there are things to do outside of blogging and crafting?” 😉 ) I love baking. But since I’m also a mother, and I spend all my life cleaning up messes, I try to avoid making them, so it doesn’t happen as often as it used to. I also love hiking. When my oldest was just a 6 month old infant, my friend and I hiked once a week for an entire summer. We hit every canyon from City Creek to Provo in Utah and I loved every minute of it. I still like to take the kids hiking, but we try to stick close to home and it’s hard to know how difficult the trail will be (and who will resist the adventure) so we don’t go as much as I’d like to.
My favorite color. Growing up it was always blue, but in recent years I’ve found I have drifted a bit to the brighter side of the spectrum and I would have to say Yellow is probably my new fave. Although orange is a close second. It’s hard to decorate with those colors, especially since my hubby is definitely a blue guy and won’t let me paint any of our rooms yellow (we had a bad experience once), but I try to find ways to sneak it in. (like my yellow Sunshine Pillow from last year’s party)
Favorite Movie- I would have to say that the movie I have to watch at least once a year is Anne of Green Gables/ Anne of Avonlea. I love those movies and I have since I was a little girl. I only have Anne of Avonlea on video, but I keep my eyes out and I’m hoping one day to own both sets on DVD. 😉 I am definitely a romantic comedy kind of girl, but I do enjoy a nice action flick every once in a while- “The Italian Job”, any of the Bourne movies and movies starring Vin Diesel are always a welcome choice.
This quick little post has turned into a novel, so I’m going to assume you now know more about me than you ever wanted to and I’m going to sign off. I would love for you to write your own little “favorites” post and leave the link in the comments- or feel free to just list your favorites in the comments. I would love to get to know you better too! And don’t forget to head over to Gwen’s blog too and find out more about her life outside of blogging/crafting. It’s a fun read. 🙂
Have a great Tuesday!
Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
May 15, 2012 at 12:35 pmLove the "craft junk" answer! Too funny 🙂 If we had a Costa Vida around here, I'd probably be listing that as my favorite food. I may need to come to Utah again just so I can eat there 😉 I love Swedish fish, too! But I only like the red ones. Loved reading your list today.
May 15, 2012 at 1:44 pmWhat a darling answer with "craft junk!" I miss Cafe Rio dearly and it is probably one of the things that will drag me back to Utah, one day. 🙂
I am an Austen fan too, although the Bronter sisters have the top stop at the moment. I am doing a Jane Austen read through right now, reading all of her books in a row. Kind of fun.
You are fabulous!
May 15, 2012 at 3:04 pmSo fun to get to know more of both you and Gwen. Cafe Rio is my favorite place to eat, too.
Amy C
May 15, 2012 at 3:10 pmThose questionnaires that they ask primary kids can be hilarious! 🙂 I too love Cafe Rio, and country music. That is all I listen to. I don't watch a lot of movies, but I do like The Italian Job and the Bourne series. I also love me a good chick flick. It's fun to read about some of your favorites!
Michele Pacey
May 15, 2012 at 8:08 pmI also love Anne of Green Gables!
I have no idea what Swedish Fish runs is… Like NO clue. Gonna have to google it immediately after I'm done here. 🙂
I've loved both yours and Gwen's posts today. Very entertaining and nice to get to know you a little bit more!
Lori Kae
May 19, 2012 at 5:31 pmYour little boy has us giggling here! Awesome response and I bet he was quick with it too. lol
I am with you on Diet Coke and I have tried to stop but have yet to make it over seven weeks.
We can't have Swedish fish in our house–we eat them too fast. 🙂 They are always in our travel bag on trips though.
Oh Mexican food! YUM!
I love color period but YELLOW I adorable–quickly followed by blues and greens. I love the sneak it in where you can comment…lol
It is fun to get to know you better!