
Happy Today {a Mom-day post}

I had a girl’s night out last week.  It was just what this tired mama needed.  At one point a dear friend said that she felt that there was so  much negativity surrounding motherhood out in the world right now.  So many quotes and posts and energy spent on focusing on the hardships of motherhood.  And there are hardships!
But, she got me thinking.  What was I putting out there?  Am I showing how much I enjoy being a mother?  Do I focus on the good and the wonderful- as much as, or MORE than the hard?  I don’t think I do.  So, I thought I would start to change that.  I want to share how I am trying to focus on the amazing opportunity motherhood is.
The first thing I am going to focus on?  Being Happy Today.

Today, I’m going to enjoy the snuggles, the crazy hair, the stinky feet.

 I’m going to embrace the baby kicking my guts out from the inside, the silly cartoons and the accomplishments of my children.

 I’m going to be grateful for the moments of success and do my best to learn from the moments of failure.

 I’m going to breathe in today, because really, that’s all I know for sure I’ll have.

I’m going to do my absolute best to BE HAPPY, TODAY!


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