boutique real life training

It’s Go Time

This last week has been full of craziness.  Some of it self induced and some of it give away induced. 🙂 

A few weeks ago I applied to be in a boutique.  It’s fairly large with many applicants and I wasn’t sure I’d get in.  Last week I found out I did get in!!  I’m really excited to have a venue to try to sell some of my stuff, but then I realized the boutique is in 5 weeks.  Yikes!  And I realized if I had paid better attention, I would have known I was in about 4 weeks ago and totally missed it!  Doh, sometimes I really wonder where my brain is.
So, over the next few weeks I’ll be making a few of these:

 And some of these:

 And a few of these too:

As well as my figurines, spiders and some other goodies!  It’s going to be crazy. 🙂
And, if that wasn’t enough crazy for one person, I just found out I won Tam’s giveaway over at Sew Dang Cute Crafts.  What did I win you wonder?  Well, I won a free entry into a triathalon!  Um, yeah, me, in a traithalon.  Granted it’s a women only, non- competitive traithalon, but still.  I’m a little worried I might drown, or fall off my bike.  Or be the last….person………
But, I’m sucking up the terror and going for it.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and I’m taking it.  So now, in addition to crazy sewing and making- I’m also going to be training.  It’s ok, you can laugh at me, I’m kinda laughing at myself- in a hysterical, semi-crying kind of way.  🙂
As an added bonus, I’ve decided to bring you all along on my journey with me.  I’m going to blog about how I’m preparing for the boutique and how my training is going.  I’m thinking Tuesdays will be my boutique update and I’ll post about the training on Saturday. 
So, since it’s Tuesday- here’s my update on preparations for the boutique:  I have almost finished two more ruffle pillows.  And..that’s it. 🙁  Not really where I wanted to be.  I did get to Joann’s and working sales and coupons managed to spend $100 and save $134, plus I got two $10 coupons to use this week.  I used those yesterday and spent $6 and saved $46!  So, now I have some supplies and I need to get going.  I have 8 pillow forms, fabric to make 4 Happy Birthday banners out of fabric, 6 banners out of felt, and enough clay to make a few sets of Halloween and Thanksgiving figurines plus a bunch of turkeys.  I also have enough supplies to make about 8 tote bags.  I also need to work on my booth set- up, and come up with a clever back drop where I can hang my banners and display my tote bags.  I only have a 3′ X 6′ space, so we’ll see what I can do with it.
Are you ready to head out on this crazy journey with me? 
Let’s GO!!!
p.s. I should have the ruffle pillow tutorial done tomorrow and I’m working on the smocked pillow tute as well.  Look for that one on Thurs. 🙂

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  • Rachel D
    August 9, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    Great news! Congrats!

  • The Answer Is Chocolate
    August 9, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Oh my goodness you are one busy lady! Congrats on getting into the boutique ( not at all surprised) and hope you sell lots! And my hat is off to you on the triathalon… not even on my radar screen to be on my radar screen!

  • Leanne
    August 9, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    You are busy, busy, busy but I know you can do it. I ran in a few 5K's a few years ago and a neighbor has asked me to help her get ready for one so we just started training. I was thinking about doing the triathalon but I haven't decided (not a great swimmer). I would probably drown. So proud of you!

  • Sandy
    August 9, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    Oh my, you are going to be busy! I did a boutique awhile back and I had a small space too … I found a tri-fold metal screen on Craigslist for $15 and I used it to hang my purses and totes from… worked great!

  • Kadie
    August 9, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    Wow and I thought I had a hectic life! I think you win. 🙂 Good luck on it all. I am sure you will do fantastic! I am excited to read/hear all about it.

  • Tonia @
    August 9, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Wow!! My head is spinning just thinking of all you have to do! Best of luck to you. Make sure you take some pics of your booth to share with those of us that won't make it there to see it!

  • Lorene (just Lu)
    August 9, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    You certainly know how to do busy! Good luck with everything! I'm adding the boutique to my calendar but we'll see how we're surviving with a newborn! 🙂

  • Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
    August 10, 2011 at 2:32 am

    Better you than me 🙂 I can't believe everything you have going on! I'm stressing about it, and I'm not the one doing all of this! I know you are going to meet both challenges and sail through with flying colors. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your triathalon adventures 😉

  • Kara
    August 11, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    That's awesome! I hope you make a killing. Your work is amazing, so I bet you'll get lots of new customers!

  • Naturally Carol
    August 12, 2011 at 1:56 am

    Hi Amy..I know you'll do well, your work is fabulous! All the best!