
Monster Buddies

Made this little lady yesterday morning.  My sister needed a baby shower gift so she asked me to make a monster for her.

A couple of weeks ago I needed to come up with a gift for my 1 year old nephew.  It came to me the morning of the party that I could just make him a softie- a monster one to be exact.  I googled some different tutorials to see suggestions for assembly and then just went for it.  I posted it on Facebook and my comment was- “Sometimes it’s nice to have a craft store in the basement!” 🙂
I have been collecting remnants and different textured fabrics from the clearance section of Joann’s for a while- so I have all kinds of fluffy fleeces, textured velvets and felt in my stash- and they sure come in handy for a project like this.
Even the second one came completely from my stash and I know I’m making at least one more for a Christmas gift for my 14 year old nephew.  Yes you read that right- he’s 14 and when he saw his cousin’s he said he wanted one too.  Ask and ye shall receive. 🙂

They make good buddies.  I think she might need one too. 🙂
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am NOT black Friday shopping for the first time in more than a decade and I’m suffering withdrawls already. 🙁  Go score a deal for me will you?
Talk to you soon.

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  • Kristie
    November 23, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    You are not the only one not doing black friday. It just seems like the deals of yesteryear are not there anymore! Hope they bring the deals back. Until then, this mama will try to sleep in. If that doesn't work, you will find me in my craft/sewing/mess room. 🙂

  • Diana B.
    November 27, 2011 at 2:27 am

    Amy-Another adorable creation!
    I was wondering…which cute pattern did you use? I want to make a few for Christmas, and yours are adorable!

  • Tonia @ TheGunnySack.com
    November 28, 2011 at 4:24 pm

    Cute! I have some nieces and nephews that would love one of these!

  • Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
    November 29, 2011 at 3:31 am

    I love them, Amy! What a cute gift idea. They're pretty big, too. The pink one is my fave 🙂