
Christmas Prep- a Mom-day post

It’s that time of year again.  The Holidays.  
With a capital H.  
Are you ready?  Are you set? 
 All done shopping?  
Meals planned and shopped for?
  Decorations carefully placed?  
You are?

I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who is woefully behind.
Actually, it’s not really the fact that I have only purchased one gift so far.  It’s more the fact that I am struggling with the why.  Why do we put ourselves through this?  What message are we trying to share?

Surely, the babe who was content in a manger wouldn’t expect elaborate decorations, extravagant gifts, and elegant meals in order to celebrate Him.  Surely there is a bigger picture in all of this that I am missing somehow.

I am searching for that meaning.  I’m hoping that it’s not that my heart is 2 sizes too small, but that I want it to matter.  I want our celebrations to bring us closer.  Closer as a family, closer as neighbors, closer as brothers and sisters.  Closer to each other and closer to our Savior.

I read in a religious manual created for families 39 years ago, that it might take courage to make changes to our celebration plans in order to allow us to focus on that which is most important.  And I agree.  I am searching for that courage.  Can I make these changes?  Do I dare?

We shall see.

Happy Monday. 

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  • Kristie
    November 26, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    Our YW are doing a 25 days of Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (RACK-ed). And I am in love with this idea. The idea that it doesn't have to be a big deal, but that you are doing something for someone else. I am pretty excited. Not that I think I might be able to do 25 days, but that I want to do a few things with my young kids(5,3,1) that might give them a different idea of what Christmas is all about. And hopefully it will be something we can continue in the years to come, and do more as the kids get older.
    Hope you figure out how to make the changes you want, and I hope your family gets on board with the changes.

  • Karen LaMunyon
    November 26, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    You know that I'm struggling with the same ideas this year, and I've tried to keep it all simple in my decorating. The trouble that I'm finding is that my house isn't feeling very festive. I don't want it to be tons and tons of work but at the same time, I also don't want it to look like I just stuck a couple of things up and quit.

    I think my heart is a combination of seeking to simplify as well as being maybe just 1 1/2 sizes too small. 🙂

    I love Kristie's idea. Maybe I can throw together something in the few days before Dec. 1.

    Ah. For some reason I'm just not quite feeling it yet. Hopefully we can both find the "spirit" we crave.

  • Naturally Carol
    November 27, 2012 at 11:00 am

    Hi Amy! It is what springs out of your heart at this time of year that counts. As you allow the Holy Spirit to have His way, whatever is expressed will be good. Maybe set a little more time apart for Him, the author of life and He will express Himself through you to bless your family and those around you. I hope your Christmas season will be wonderful!

  • Rachel
    November 28, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    I wish more people really thought about this.

    Our kids are young, but we have chosen not to do Santa in our house. The kids still get presents, but only 2-3 small ones from mom & dad.

    We do decorate for Christmas, because I enjoy it, but we try to focus the season on doing things for others as opposed to expecting things for ourselves.