I am a 2022 Husqvarna Viking Sewing Ambassador and mentions of my Opal 690Q sewing machine are related to this relationship. The project and opinions are my own.

How to get a Free Needle Book Pattern
The needle book pattern is free for subscribers to my newsletter. If you fill out the form below, you will be sent the pattern right to your inbox. You will also be signed up to receive my weekly newsletter, which contains project tips, links to videos, discount codes and more!
Tips for sewing your Needle Book

Piecing a striped cover is quick and easy. The directions are included in the pattern as well! Sew 5- 1 1/2″ X 9″ strips together. I find it’s easiest to keep an even seam allowance when I use my 1/4″ foot on my Opal 690Q.

Use a stylus to mark the quilting lines if you aren’t using the fabric as your guide. First, use a ruler to create a guide at your desired angle, often I will use a 45* angle. Next, run the stylus along the edge of the ruler to add a crease to your quilt sandwich. Finally, sew along the crease to create your first quilting line. Keep adding crease lines to guide your quilting, or, if your machine has the availability of added sewing guides, you can quickly add more quilting lines without additional marking.

You can see the guide bar extending to the left of the walking foot on my machine. Line the guide up with the stitched line and use that to feed your cover. Set the distance between the guide and the needle using a ruler or simply sliding it to your desired distance. Quick and easy parallel lines for quilting are a win in my book!

Visual learner? Find the video tutorial here
I hope you find this pattern super useful and fun. It has been surprising to me how much I love having one (or two or three) on hand to organize my different stitching projects. Now it’s so easy to grab something to stitch when I’m heading out the door to swimming lessons, sports games or anywhere I know I may have to wait a while.
I can’t wait to see yours! Share with me on Instagram by tagging me @AmeroonieDesigns. Happy sewing friends! Amy