I love autumn! The colors, the cool crisp air, And fun crafty projects! Man do we have a great line up for you! I hope you’ll enjoy all these wonderful Autumn projects and then head over to Gwen’s blog to link up your own Autumn flavored points of view- we’d love to have you! 🙂
Click on the link to see each of the projects:
Stephanie– Our guest poster for the month. Please make her feel welcome. 🙂 (I know you will- you are all awesome)
Amy (Oh, wait, you’re here. 😉 )
Now on to my project:
Bead board Pumpkins
I have been meaning to finish this project for at least 2 years. I cut out the pumpkins from molding left over from finishing a room in our basement and then they sat, and sat…until this month! {which is one of the main reasons I LOVE Point of View- it gets me working on things that I might otherwise put off}
So, this is not a complicated tutorial and I have probably left out too many steps, but if you get stumped- just leave me a comment or an e-mail and I will get back to you with more details.
So, like I said, I cut the pumpkins out of molding. It is wide, plank, MDF molding. {I think the dimensions are 6″ wide by 1″ thick, but don’t quote me on that.} I drew them free hand and then cut them out with a jig saw. I am not very good with a jig saw. 🙂 I tried to use the side of the molding for the bottom of the pumpkin when I could so it would stand up more easily, since I don’t trust my jigsaw skills enough to ensure a straight cut on the bottom. 🙂 Then I traced the shape of the pumpkin on the wrong side of the bead board and drew a dip to cut off the stem. Then I was forced once again to wield a jigsaw. {it’s not really that bad, promise}
I sanded down the rough edges and then glued the bead board onto the MDF pumpkin. Once that had dried a bit I sanded down the edges to try to get them to match up a bit better and smooth out the curves.
Then I painted and sanded to distress the pumpkins. I mixed up all three pumpkin colors, so I can’t tell you what they are, and really, I don’t know that you can even tell that there are three different colors- so that maybe wasn’t the most successful aspect of the project, but I used what I had. 🙂
I kind of like them at this stage, but I think they needed a little more depth to them, so I busted out some walnut stain and painted it on, then wiped it off with a damp rag- making sure the grooves were still dark.
A bit of wire wrapped around the handle of my foam paint brush to curl it, and they’re done!
I’m so happy to have them, they’re going to make a great backdrop for my other Autumn decorations, and I’m thrilled to finally have them crossed off my list!
Now- what are some of your favorite fall projects? They can be new, old or in between! 😉 Come
link them up and let your Point of View be heard! And we would sure love it if you would help us spread the word. We’d love to have our biggest link party yet! 🙂
Have a wonderful Autumn! {and it totally wasn’t planned, just a happy coincidence that our Autumn Point of View happened to fall on the first day of Fall! 🙂 }
Creator, sewist and mom of 6. Making and sewing keeps me sane and happy. I'm here to share my love of creating with you. Free patterns, tips and tricks and videos to help you discover your own creative passions.
Michele Pacey
September 23, 2011 at 12:58 pmHoley mackerel those are cute, Amy! Way to weild that jigsaw and use the paint you had to get these done! They're just beautiful!
Jonie Marie
September 23, 2011 at 1:01 pmLook at you, using power tools 🙂 I love the way these turned out. They are just darling. I love that they are thick enough to stand up on their own too.
S. Greiner
September 23, 2011 at 1:20 pmAmy! I love this project…you did such a great job on the paint for these little pumpkins!!! Too cute…thanks for letting me be a part of the POV this month!!!
September 23, 2011 at 2:31 pmThose turned out so cute. I love beadboard and have tons of it leftover from the mudroom. Thanks for the great inspiration. You should sell these.
September 23, 2011 at 2:32 pmoooh, those are so cute! I have some beadboard I need to use. I am so going to try this!! Thanks for sharing:)
Camilla Jones (CioCo Photography)
September 23, 2011 at 2:59 pmLove them! Bead board is seriously my favorite…more excuses to use it! 🙂
Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
September 23, 2011 at 5:49 pmLeanne is right, you should sell these. I love them. Love the addition of the walnut stain on the beadboard… it makes a huge difference. Great project, Amy. I want to make a huge one 🙂
Amy @ Increasingly Domestic
September 24, 2011 at 3:01 amThese are adorable! I have also had these on my to-do list for a few years and yours are so cute that I might actually get to it this year! 😉
Diana B.
October 14, 2011 at 3:19 amAmy-I love it! These are SO darling! You have got some great talent, my friend!