The felt for this project was provided by Benzie Designs for use in creating this post as part of a collaboration with ThermOWeb. The pattern, ideas and opinions are my own.

Fresh cut pine, simmering cider and a crackling fire. There are so many cozy and wonderful things about winter. I especially love surrounding myself with colorful handmade decor. This free felt tree pattern will have you stitching a whole forest for yourself. Perfect for mantels or shelves or anywhere you want to add some fun.
Free Felt Tree Pattern

All three tree patterns are included in the PDF, available to newsletter subscribers. Sign up using the form below if you are not yet subscribed! Be sure to confirm your subscription so the pattern can be sent!

Add layers, embroidery details or embellish with beads or sequins to create your own versatile and stunning forest. Or keep them simple with whip stitching and coordinating thread to let the colors of the felt really shine. They look so fun with this winter mini banner. The felt applique in the banner isn’t available yet, but you can make your own fabric flags with this free tutorial. If you want to see a photo tutorial for assembling the trees, you can find one over on the ThermoWeb blog. Video more your speed? Follow along in my Instagram stories highlight walking you through all the steps.

If you are new to embroidery, I do have some stitch tutorials on my YouTube channel in this playlist, including the lazy daisy stitch I used for the hearts and the French knots that create this yummy textured polka dot pattern. I love the extra detail the embroidery adds. I used three strands of floss for the hearts and x’s, and the full six strands for the French knots.
Bricolage frais et tendance à faire ce week-end ! – magasin d'artisanat
August 6, 2021 at 12:13 am[…] Cousez une forêt magnifique avec ce motif d’arbre en feutre simple et gratuit – Dessins d’améroonie […]
Bricolage frais et tendance à faire ce week-end ! – Maison et artisanat
August 6, 2021 at 3:15 am[…] Cousez une forêt magnifique avec ce motif d’arbre en feutre simple et gratuit – Dessins d’améroonie […]
Benzie Felt Christmas Tree Forest with Pattern & Stencil Spray - Therm O Web
August 10, 2021 at 5:24 pm[…] Begin by creating a template or pattern, you can draw one on paper, or you can download mine by signing up for my newsletter on my blog here. […]