Colorful fabric flags fluttering in a warm gentle breeze. Bright buntings cris-crossing to create a happy background. Festive banners brightening a celebration. There are so many ways to use fabric buntings…
bunting celebrations fabric combinations home decor party Tutorials
Simple fabric treat bags are such a fun project to make. Using fun themed fabric means they will not only serve to hold the treat, they can be a decorating element…
I’m not always the most fun mom on the street, but once in a while, I do manage to pull something together that’s pretty fun. 🙂 This year I wanted to…
Giveaway Winner!The winner of the Birthday giveaway is #11 (chosen by Debrasaid… What a darling little elephant! Love him! Yay! Debra- I will send you an e-mail! Congratulations! Thank you…
It started with a preschool trip to the pumpkin patch. (right in the middle of Red Ribbon Week). Followed by Fall Break from school. During Fall break we celebrated a birthday. …
I am so excited to share with you a couple of the projects that were linked up to this month’s Point of View party. There are so many wonderful ideas- I…
I have been gathering ingredients for this recipe for a while. My daughter checked out a book from her school library about fun cupcakes and we pored over it together trying…
I hardly know where to begin. Last Friday was one of those days. It started at 6 a.m. and didn’t stop until after 11 p.m. 17 hours of constant motion, effort…
Are you ready to PAR- TAY?!!? I have been waiting for this week for a while. So excited to finally get to do some projects I’ve been wanting to do. …
I finally had the opportunity to bust out my new cupcake stands and use them for my son’s birthday. Mostly I was excited to have some cupcakes to put on them.…